File #:
CD 23-127
Discussion Item
Agenda Ready
On agenda:
Final action:
Ethics Discussion.
1. Community Research.pdf, 2. Barry's Additional Items for Code of Ethics.pdf, 3. Code of Ethics.pdf, 4. Ethics Committee Charge.pdf, 5. Oath of Office.pdf, 6. Auburn, ME CH2 Code of Ordinances.pdf, 7. Bangor Code of Ethics (2).pdf, 8. Biddeford Code of Ethics.pdf, 9. Bridgton_Code-of-Ethics.pdf, 10. Brunswick Conflict of Interest Policy_(Approved 030722).pdf, 11. Brunswick Council Rules of Order and Procedure.pdf, 12. Cape Elizabeth Town Council Code of Ethics.pdf, 13. Falmouth council_rules_ see Policy 7.pdf, 14. Kennebunk Code of Ethics for Select Board.pdf, 15. Old Orchard Beach code_of_ethics_2022_signed.pdf, 16. Raymond Code of Ethics Appointed and Elected.pdf, 17. Saco Code of Ethics and Conduct FINAL.pdf, 18. Sandford Rules_of_Procedure_2021_-_Amended_8-3-21.pdf, 19. Sanford Council Code of Conduct.pdf, 20. Sebago Maine Code of Conduct.pdf, 21. Standish Code of Ethics.pdf, 22. Waterville Code of Ethics.pdf, 23. Westbrook ME Ethics Ordinance CH28.pdf, 24. Yarmouth_ME_Council Rules_with_Conduct Section.pdf, 25. York Code of Ethics 2021-06-14.pdf