File #: 25-025    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Order Status: Passed
File created: 1/8/2025 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 1/28/2025 Final action: 1/28/2025
Title: To authorize the disbursement of $2,500 from the Substance Prevention Grant Program Fund (1000-24047) to the R.S.U. 14 Middle School's Smokescreen program, an evidence-based game to educate students about the dangers of vaping, that promotes prevention, education, and positive choices in reducing youth substance use, as recommended by the Substance Prevention Grant Committee.
Attachments: 1. 25-025 Cover Sheet.pdf, 2. 2025-03 Smokescreen Educational-Grant-Application-FINAL103124.pdf, 3. Substance Prevention Grant meeting minutes 1_7_2025.pdf, 4. SPG Fund Balance 12.31.2024.pdf

I.                     Council Action Requested.


To authorize the disbursement of $2,500 from the Substance Prevention Grant Program Fund (1000-24047) to the R.S.U. 14 Middle School’s Smokescreen program, an evidence-based game to educate students about the dangers of vaping, that promotes prevention, education, and positive choices in reducing youth substance use, as recommended by the Substance Prevention Grant Committee.


II.                     Basis for Council Action.


Council approval of this item is required because;


a.                     Pursuant to §160-6 of the Marijuana Business Licensing Ordinance, Chapter 1160, as adopted by the Council on May 26, 2020, a business license “applicant shall also pay an “education fee” in an amount set by Council” and “granted at the Council’s discretion to educational institutions or nonprofit agencies for support of initiatives aimed at educating Windham youth regarding marijuana and other drugs,” and

b.                     The Marijuana License Fee Committee, established by the Council on September 8, 2020, was tasked the responsibility “to review application requests for funding and make recommendations to the Town Council on proposed fund disbursements,” and

c.                     The Marijuana License Fee Committee was renamed the Substance Prevention Grant Committee and amended the charge to expand “the public health and safety programs to include the prevention of the abuse of nicotine, alcohol, marijuana and other drugs,” by Council Order 22-168 on September 27, 2022.


III.                     Issue Summary.


*The fund balance is currently $10,927.28.