I. Council Action Requested.
To appoint both a delegate and alternate delegate to the Greater Portland Council of Governments General Assembly.
II. Basis for Council Action.
Council approval of this item is required because;
a. the bylaws of the Greater Portland Council of Governments allow up to two representatives plus one alternate to the General Assembly. They require that at least one of the representatives must be a municipal officer, and that all representatives must be appointed by the municipal officers of each participating member municipality, and
b. pursuant to Article II, Section 1 of the Charter “[t]he Town Council, hereinafter called the ‘Council’, shall be and constitute the municipal officers of the Town.”
III. Issue Summary.
GPCOG bylaws require at least one delegate to be a municipal officer; in Windham’s case, a member of the Town Council. The town manager has also been appointed as a delegate in the past as the town’s representative to the GPCOG Executive Committee, the agency’s governing body.