PB 24-081
| 1 | 4. | | Planning Board Document | #20-21: Amended Subdivision - Second Amended Nelson Meadows Subdivision - Final Plan Review - 7 Hayfield Lane ? John Collins
The proposed second amendment to the Nelson Meadows subdivision is to revise the secondary conservation building setback on Lot 18 to the surveyed field conditions of the pond adjacent to the lot. A 50' setback from the resource was identified in the subdivision approval of April 2021, in which the conditions are now accurately reflected in the second amended subdivision plan by adjusting the building setback from the resource. Tax Map: 13, Lot: 14-18; Zone: Farm-Residential (FR) located in the Highland Lake Watershed. | | |
Action details
Not available
PB 24-082
| 2 | 5. | | Planning Board Document | #24-25: Major Subdivision & Site Plan - Andrews School Redevelopment - Sketch Plan Review - 55 High Street- Great Falls Contruction
The application is a mixed-income development consisting of eighteen affordable apartments for senior housing. This project also includes associated parking areas, internal vehicular drive aisles, pedestrian pathways, a centralized open green space, and stormwater treatment area. Tax Map: 37, Lot: 24; Zone: Village Commercial (VC) located in the Upper Presumpscot River watershed. | | |
Action details
PB 24-082
| 2 | 5. | | Planning Board Document | #24-25: Major Subdivision & Site Plan - Andrews School Redevelopment - Sketch Plan Review - 55 High Street- Great Falls Contruction
The application is a mixed-income development consisting of eighteen affordable apartments for senior housing. This project also includes associated parking areas, internal vehicular drive aisles, pedestrian pathways, a centralized open green space, and stormwater treatment area. Tax Map: 37, Lot: 24; Zone: Village Commercial (VC) located in the Upper Presumpscot River watershed. | | |
Action details