Meeting Name: Town Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 1/28/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
CD 25-033 1  MinutesTo approve the Minutes from the January 14, 2025, Council meeting.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-020 1  OrderTo consider or deny the use of the Town Hall Gym and additional storage spaces by the Windham Center Stage Theater, and authorize the Town Manager to take the next necessary actions.postponedPass Action details Video Video
25-025 1  OrderTo authorize the disbursement of $2,500 from the Substance Prevention Grant Program Fund (1000-24047) to the R.S.U. 14 Middle School’s Smokescreen program, an evidence-based game to educate students about the dangers of vaping, that promotes prevention, education, and positive choices in reducing youth substance use, as recommended by the Substance Prevention Grant Committee.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-026 1  OrderTo authorize the disbursement of $2,600 from the Substance Prevention Grant Program Fund (1000-24047) to the R.S.U. 14 Middle School’s Band and Orchestra to help fund their attendance to the Trills and Thrills Music Festival, a recreational event that promotes prevention, education, and positive choices in reducing youth substance use, as recommended by the Substance Prevention Grant Committee.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-027 1  OrderTo authorize the disbursement of $1,500 from the Substance Prevention Grant Program Fund (1000-24047) to the R.S.U. 14 High School Student Council to help fund their attendance to the Raising Student Voice and Participation (RSVP) training summit, to encourage students to be active members in their school community, and to promote prevention, education, and positive choices in reducing youth substance use, as recommended by the Substance Prevention Grant Committee.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-028 1  OrderTo approve the July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026 contract for services provided by the Animal Refuge League.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-029 1  OrderWHEREAS, on September 10, 2024, pursuant to Order 24-171, the Town Council of the Town of Windham (the "Town") authorized the Town Treasurer to negotiate the terms of an equipment lease purchase and related documents to provide financing of an estimated $915,000 for the purchase of the following: 1.) public works trackless sidewalk tractor; 2.) public works dump truck; 3.) public works non-CDL rated dump truck; and 4.) public works one-ton pickup (collectively the “Equipment”); and WHEREAS, on December 9, 2024, the Town issued a Request for Proposals for financing of the Equipment (the “RFP”); and WHEREAS, the Town received three proposals in response to the RFP and the Treasurer accepted a proposal from TD Equipment Financing dated December 16, 2024, for the financing of the Equipment in an amount not to exceed $896,651; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that 1. The Treasurer, on behalf of the Town, is authorized to enter into one or more lease purchase, loan or other financing agreements for the Equipment provided that (a) the principaapprovedPass Action details Video Video
CD 25-030 1  CorrespondenceFOAA Status Report.   Action details Not available
CD 25-031 1  ReportQuarterly Department Reports.   Action details Not available
CD 25-034 1  CorrespondenceCommunity Survey - Points of Highest Dissatisfaction.   Action details Not available
CD 25-035 1  CorrespondenceVape Prevention Education through Windham Cannabis Grant Funds.   Action details Not available
CD 25-037 1  CorrespondenceSummary From Veterans’ Organizations.   Action details Not available
CD 25-036 1  ReportJanuary 22, 2025 Ordinance Committee Meeting Report.   Action details Not available
CD 25-005 1  Discussion ItemHuman Services Advisory Committee Charge Amendments.   Action details Video Video
CD 25-032 1  Discussion ItemChapter 70 § 70-4 Sprinkler Systems.   Action details Video Video
CD 24-184 1  Discussion ItemMunicipal Valuation Report - Assessor Josh Houde.   Action details Video Video
CD 24-225 1  Discussion ItemTax Increment Financing (TIF) Report.   Action details Video Video
25-030 1  OrderTo enter into executive session under 1 M.R.S.A. §405(6)(A), which provides for the “Discussion or consideration of the employment, appointment, assignment, duties, promotion, demotion, compensation, evaluation, disciplining, resignation or dismissal of an individual or group of public officials, appointees or employees of the body or agency,” for the purpose of discussing a personnel matter and pursuant to 1 MRS §405(6)(C) to discuss “the condition, acquisition or the use of real or personal property permanently attached to real property or interests therein or disposition of publicly held property or economic development only if premature disclosures of the information would prejudice the competitive or bargaining position of the body or agency.approvedPass Action details Video Video