PB 24-065
| 2 | 4. | | Planning Board Document | #24-18 - Major Subdivision and Site Plan - Astral Village Subdivision - Tandberg Trail - Final Plan Review - The JR Holding Group, LLC
The application is to construct two multifamily residential buildings with 11 units total, as well as 25 paved parking spots on site. Construction will be on a 2.07-acre section of a larger parcel. Tax Map: 18A; Lot: 48-1; Zone: Commercial II (C-2) zoning district and located in the Presumpscot River watershed. | | |
Action details
PB 24-074
| 1 | 5. | | Planning Board Document | #24-19 - Major Site Plan - Private Warehouse - 120 Tandberg Trail - Final Plan Review - Ultimate Property Management, LLC
The application is to build a 5,050 sf Private Warehouse Building on a 2.1 acre property. The site currently has three existing buildings and paved parking lots. Tax Map: 18; Lot: 39; Zone: Commercial I (C-1) zoning district and located in the Mill Pond watershed. | | |
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PB 24-067
| 1 | 6. | | Planning Board Document | #15-06 - Amended Major Subdivision - Mystic Woods - 29 Meredith Dr. - Amended Plan Review
The application is to amend a minor subdivision to depict an access easement through Lot 8 to the abutting property. Tax Map: 6; Lot: 38-D08; Zone: Medium Residential (RM) zoning district and located in the Black Brook watershed. | | |
Action details
Not available
PB 24-68
| 1 | 7. | | Planning Board Document | #24-20 - Minor Subdivision - Lampron Subdivision - Barnes Rd./ Meredith Dr. - Final Plan Review
The application is to pursue an after-the-fact approval for the subdivision of the approximately 34.9 acre parcel into three separate lots. Tax Map: 6; Lot: 38E, 38-E01, 38-E02; Zone: Farm (F), Residential Medium (RM), and Stream Protection (SP) zoning districts in the Black Brook watershed. | | |
Action details
PB 24-080
| 1 | 8. | | Planning Board Document | #24-24 - Miscellaneous Amendment to Code of the Town of Windham Chapter 120 Land Use Ordinance, Article 3 Definitions, Article 4 District Standards, Article 8 Site Plan Review, and Article 9 Subdivision Review. | | |
Action details