I. Council Action Requested.
(It is recommended that this item be postponed to November 28, 2023.)
To receive public comment and act on a proposed zone change request from The Roman Catholic Church to amend the official Town of Windham land use map the rear portion of the property, fronting Anglers Road, currently zoned in the Farm District (F) to the Commercial 4 District (C-4). The request includes amending the Land Use Ordinance Article 4 Zoning District §120-411.1B Permitted Use by adding “Place of worship” as a principal use in the Commercial 4 District (C-4). The subject property is identified as Tax Map 80 Lot 58 in the Commercial 1 North District (C-1N) and Farm District (F) and in the direct watershed of Pettingill Pond.
II. Basis for Council Action.
Council approval of this item is required because;
a. the Town may enact reasonable by-laws, regulations, and ordinances for municipal purposes pursuant to Article I, Section 2 of the Charter, and
b. the Council has the authority to act as the legislative body of the Town pursuant to Article II, Section 3(I) of the Charter.
III. Issue Summary.
Please refer to the attached materials.